Help!!! We finally had our internet hooked up after living without it for 9 months and now our computer has decided to retire!! Go figure!! We are now in the market for a new computer and need your input. We have looked around a little and are leaning towards a laptop, but we would like to know what you in the blogging community use. If you could leave info on the type you have and the pros and cons it would be much appreciated!!!!
You guys know we LOVE our Laptop.. Especially my MACBOOK.. you can't go wrong there, but if you do go with a desk top I would also go with a MAC!!!!
We use a laptop. I love it. Also I bought at Costco a Belkin Laptop holder thing. It's super cute and it protects it if I'm out with the kids working on something. If I need to run and change a diaper or something, I just zip it up and I don't have to worry about the monkeys breaking it! Have fun shopping for one. I heard that Circuit City is going out of business? You might get a good deal there?
You two have the cutest girls!!
First, you have been without the internet for 9 months? WOW... I'm impressed!
I agree with Allison, MAC. All the way. I love my mac and wouldn't trade it for anything. A warning though, once you go with a mac, you'll never got back to a PC. :-)
I love that picture. I use a MAC and Josh uses a laptop PC. I sometimes really wish it was a laptop, but lets be honest a MAC desktop is cheaper. Josh says you get more with a desktop, faster, more memory, bigger screen and so forth. So we went with a desktop MAC and LOVE it plus everything is built in the screen itself so you don't have a huge box attached to your screen.
So I don't have a MAC, definately more money than Mike was willing to spend but I know they are Wonderful & I'm sure you wouldn't trade it for the world...but if you aren't ready for that investment I would go with a laptop.
I have an HP one and I Love it!! It has the built in web cam & mic so I can do video IM'ing with my family with No Delays :) I can take it anywhere I need to go, watch movies on it on a road trip, download music, burn DVD's, etc. (I'm sure you already know what you can do with it) but, Erin has a great idea about the protective cover. We don't have kids so that really hasn't been an issue for us but with kids I could definatley see how it would be nice. Plus with a laptop you can watch your HGTV, eat a bowl of cereal, & Update your Blog all while nestled with a blanket on your couch while the kids are napping :) (in fact I'm doing that now...well, except for the kid napping part) haha! Good Luck!
I say laptop. We don't have one but wish we did. LESS computer desk in our little house would be nice. WHERE's your PICS???? We want more house and kid pics!!!
You'll r3egret it if you don't get a MAC!
I totally agree with all of the Mac comments. We have a Macbook and have loved it. It takes a little bit to get used to at first, but you don't have the problems that you do with a PC. Macs are a little more but definitely worth it.
I have to agree with the other reviews, we love our MacBook. And on a separate subject, Cassie did a great job on the girls' pictures. Your girls are so cute.
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