Wednesday, May 13, 2009


And I'm not talking Twitter people!  This morning at about 11 a.m. I was at the sink making Halle a bottle when I heard this rustling near the back door.  "Payton???"  I asked.  "What mom?"  I heard her voice reply from down the hallway to her bedroom.  Ok the noise is not Payton. I was afraid to look but I did and there perched on the top of my blinds was a BIRD!!!!  I quickly abandoned the bottle making and ran for my phone.  Greg is usually within a couple of miles of our house at all times and I was not getting near that thing.  I was frantic and in a panic but Greg was not in a position to come right that second.  What?!!!!   He told me if I wasn't brave enough to go near the bird and open the back door then I would just have to go hide in my room until he could get there. And then he kept asking me pointless questions like, "How big is the bird?", like that matters just get here!!! He tried to motivate me by telling me to get it out before it pooped on my decorations!!  Right when I hung up the bird made a dash from under the kitchen table to the living room love seat.  I was in the office so I quickly opened the front door and about 10 seconds later, whoosh, the bird flapped out of here like a bat out of well, you get the idea.  The crazy thing is this has happened before.  About three years ago while living in the old farm house we awoke to a bird in our bedroom!!!  What are the chances???  We are currently enjoying our afternoon BIRD FREE!!!!


snow family said...

EEWWW!! He really wanted you to catch it YOURSELF?? Yeah right Greg... hasn't he ever seen the movie "the birds"?! I mean... what if it had got caught up in your hair? Blah. Well atleast it's out! funny story :)

Allison Holt said...

Ha ha That is so funny... Greg is turning into my dad more and more everyday...That's exactly what dad would have said... I'm glad the Bird got out of the house!

charm said...

ha ha! At least it wasn't a bat!! When we lived in the church, we would find bats! One night Jana and I caught one with a saucepan and a tennis racket... not kidding! :) Such tomboys!

Kristie Lemons said...

How did the bird get in the house? that is crazy. I am glad you got it out.

Kate and Cole said...

The whole time I was reading this I pictured you freaking out and screaming. Oh man, thanks for the laugh!! Your are lucky it went out that easy.

Anonymous said...

Scary! That is a pretty great story you just told. I am so glad it didn't poop all over everything. That would be the worse ever!

Travis and Mindi Eames said...

LOL! That is to freaking funny! Trav and I were laughing the whole time while reading through your post... I could just picture the whole thing, ha ha that's so funny! Hope all is well!