Sunday, March 14, 2010

K + K =

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I had so much fun photographing Katelyn and Kevin. It was a nice change to have subjects that did what they were asked without even having to be bribed with candy:) These two are such an adorable couple! They were married last that means bridals and wedding day shots to come!!!

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Allison Holt said...

Tasha... I love these they are SOOO stinking cute!

The Dipo's said...

It is refreshing to see some different pictures on here other than babies. :o) although, I love your work regardless! These pics are great! I can't wait to see what else is coming!

SARAH T. said...

Super duper cute!

Unknown said...

Tasha your photos are great.... How do I get a hold of you??? My Cousin needs some Quincianera invitation pictures done!!!