Monday, January 14, 2008

Jesus Wants Me For A SUNBEAM!

Yesterday was Payton's first day at Sunbeams. After shedding a few tears about not being able to play with the toys at Nursery, she decided she would go to Primary. She ended up loving it. She drew a picture, got a piece of licorice and told me she learned about good and bad. She said, "Mom if we pull on cats tails, that's bad. If we don't pull on cats tails, that's good!" I can't believe she is old enough for Sunbeams. They grow up so fast.


Amanda said...

how cute! I wonder why she learned about pulling on cat's tails that is funny.

Crystal said...

cute little sumbeam.. i am so glad blayze has another year in nursery cause he hates nursery.. he is getting better. so have you guys started on your house yet? where are you building