Wednesday, June 11, 2008

She's Here!!!

Halle McKay Price

Born on June 3rd, 2008 at Mountain View Hospital

7 lbs. 5 oz. and 21 inches long.

Here she is! Our baby girl was born on June 3rd at 10:20 pm. The delivery was quick and easy and we are so grateful for her safe entry into the world. It is crazy how something so small can bring so much joy! She is an adorable baby and we love her to death! Payton is an awesome big sister and loves helping with whatever she can. She is great at fetching diapers, wipes, binkies, etc. and she is anxious to teach her about everything she knows. I'm sure life with two kids is tough at times but right now I am loving it. We feel so blessed to have two beautiful daughters to love.


Liza said...

Tash!! I am so happy for you guys! Halle McKay, that is such a cute name! Yea!!

Eric, Victoria, & Nykelle said...

Wow- You're little girls are adorable! How is it being a mommy to two? Congrats!