Friday, January 18, 2008

Tag- All About Me A to Z

I've been tagged! Here are some obvious and not so obvious facts about me.

Attached or Single: Attached and so glad to be!
Best Friend: I have a lot of great friends, but if I had to pick just one person it would definitely be Greg. He's there for me through it all.
Cake or Pie: Cake for sure! Better than "Almost Anything" cake is my favorite.
Day of Choice: I don't really have one, but any day when Greg can spend most of the day with us and we spend quality time as a family.
Essential Item: Right now for me its lotion. My skin is so dry! The Idaho winter and pregnancy are not helping.
Favorite Color: I like alot of different colors. But my favorite is probably red. I used it at my wedding, to decorate my house and I love it on clothing.
Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms- I especially like the red and white ones. Red?
Hometown: I was a bulldog until I was 12 so I'm originally from Ririe, but I've spent the latter part of my life in Rigby.
Indulgences: Looking on the Internet. I do it way too often, but I love looking at blogs, furniture and baby websites, and shopping. Also reading a good book and not having to put it down, any ice cream treat, the show Real Housewives of Orange County, People Style Watch, home shows and getting my nails done.
January or July: July. I love celebrating the 4th and there's finally sunshine!
Kids: Payton who is 3 and one on the way!
Life is incomplete without: The 5 F's. Faith, Family, Friends, Food and Fun!
Marriage Date: December 27th, 2003
Number of Siblings: 2 (Jennifer and Braydon)
Oranges or Apples: Apples, especially with carmel dip!
Phobias: Drowning
Quote: You come to love not by finding the perfect person but by seeing an imperfect person perfetly.
Reasons to Smile: Payton-it's hard to spend 10 minutes with her and not smile. Happy and healthy family, friends, vacations, new experiences and opportunities, an empty laundry hamper, going out to dinner, warm sunny weather, a good song, movie or show, and Greg getting off early! We have been so blessed in our lives. We don't have much not to smile about.
Season: Summer
Unknown fact about me: I memorize license plate numbers. I can even remember some of my friends plates from high school. Weird huh?
Vegitarian or Meat eater: Meat. Who can resist a good steak or a juicy burger?
Worst Habit: Not returning items in a timely manner. I hate to try things on but I also hate to take them back if they don't work. I'll wait months and I've got two gift cards right now to prove it.
X-rays: I broke my pinky in 6th grade playing basketball in my grandmas driveway. I also thought I had appendicitis once when I was in college. My roommate and I decided I had all the symptoms (We were both nursing students at the time). We went to the hospital and it turned out to be nothing. Blame it on nursing student paranoia!
Your Favorite Food: I love food and I don't think I could pick just one favorite. I love steak and potatos, a good salad (one with alot of cheese, eggs, croutons and ranch dressing), senora chicken, pizza and many desserts. My favorite restaurant-The Salt Grass- unfortunately only found in Texas.
Zodiac: Taurus which was also my first car!


Amanda said...

That was fun to read! Remember when you broke your pinky and I was crying so hard because I thought it was all my fault. Grandma was like it's ok honey Tasha isn't mad at you and it's not your fault. That is funny to think about.

Natasha Ireland said...

Fun to read more about you and PS. CONGRATS on the little one on the way. SOoooo cool.

Nicole Stucki said...

Hey Tasha! That was a cute tag. Congrats on the one on the way. When are you due? Do you know what you are having? Anyway blogs are so fun. Your little girl is getting so big. She is a doll!

Nicole Stucki said...

Tasha, I got the couch from Classic Interiors. Mike Petersen gave us a pretty good deal. When you build you should go talk to him. That is where we got everything in our house carpet, tile, and lighting fixtures. Just thought I would let you know.